The ""God of War"" franchise is a series of action-adventure games created by David Jaffe and developed by Santa Monica Studio, and which has captivated gamers worldwide since its release in 2005 on PlayStation 2. With an epic story inspired by Greek mythology, memorable characters and intense gameplay, God of War has become one of the most popular video game franchises of all time.
The story of God of War follows Kratos, a Spartan warrior who has been chosen by the Greek gods to accomplish impossible tasks... This will lead him to seek revenge and confront the most powerful gods of Olympus and Norse mythology. Over the course of the games, Kratos must navigate epic, terrifying environments, battle mythical foes, solve puzzles and confront his own guilt.
God of War's best-known characters include Kratos himself, his son Atreus, and Greek gods such as Zeus, Poseidon and Hades, and more recently, Thor and Baldur, each with their own unique personalities and motivations.
At 1001Hobbies, we offer a wide selection of God of War merchandise, from figurines to clothing, board games and fashion accessories. Whether you're a long-time fan or discovering the franchise for the first time, we've got just what you need to add a touch of God of War to your collection. Feel free to explore our range of products to find your next God of War heartthrob.
The brands we carry are: Gaya Entertainment, Bandai, Prime 1 Studio, Iron Studios, Funko, GYE, Noble Collection and many more.