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Devil May Cry is an action-adventure video game series created by Hideki Kamiya and developed by Capcom. The series is known for its fast-paced, stylized gameplay, as well as its complex story and charismatic characters. The series began in 2001 with the first Devil May Cry, which was a critical and commercial success, and has since seen several sequels and remakes.

In addition to games, Devil May Cry has also spawned merchandise such as comic books, novels and action figures. Here are just a few of the series' most popular merchandises:

  • Comics: several comics have been created for the series, some of which are direct adaptations of the games and others are original stories. Most of the comics were published by Capcom's American branch, but some were published in Japan.
  • Figurines: there are numerous figurines from the Devil May Cry series, representing the most popular characters such as Dante, Vergil and Nero. Figures are generally manufactured by high-quality miniature companies such as Kotobukiya, Asmus Collectible Toys, Prime 1 Studio, DarkSide Collectibles Studio and Good Smile Company.
  • Board games: the series has seen a board game adaptation developed by Steamforged Games entitled Devil May Cry: The Bloody Palace. The game lets you take control of one of Devil May Cry's iconic demon hunters, such as Dante, Nero, Trish, or even the series' latest addition, the mysterious V, and battle waves of demons. The winner will be the player who manages to score the most Style points via card combos.

In addition to merchandising, the Devil May Cry series is also known for its iconic characters, including Dante, the sarcastic and charismatic demon hunter, and Vergil, his enigmatic twin brother. Games in the series are also known for their high difficulty and scoring system, which encourages players to play in a more stylized way to achieve higher scores. Find your next favorite at 1001Hobbies!


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